This is a multi-line few-shot prompt. I first played with GPT early 2021, and have been actively using it since mid 2022. This the method I've found to have the best tradeoff between complexity and effectiveness. Note that I always try to zero shot it first, and I only use this method for things where zero shot fails, and where I need GPT to get right and that it's worth the effort of making a few shot prompt for. ### The template ![[Screenshot 2023-06-05 at 8.25.58 AM.png]] ### An example of using the template Of course, this example is one that GPT-4 would've been able to do well without any examples. The example is provided so you can see how it should be set up, not to demonstrate it's effectiveness. ![[Screenshot 2023-06-05 at 8.29.00 AM.png]] ### The prompt Fill in all the \[\] sections. Then hit submit. This should work pretty well. I'd suggest setting the temperature to 0 if you want more predictable responses. #### System message ``` [A couple sentences of instructions] Example 1 - Input ## [example input 1] ## Example 1 - Output ## [example output 1] ## ``` #### User message ``` Actual 1 - Input ## [the thing you want it to process] ## Actual 1 - Output ## ```